The Accountancy Office PROFIT has been operating since 2004.
We specialize in providing comprehensive tax, accountancy, HR and payroll services for both Polish and international companies.
We offer an extensive range of book keeping services designed to support all types of economic operators, including sole traders and family-owned businesses, small- and medium-sized enterprises, commercial partnerships and joint-stock companies.
Over the years we have worked with companies and service providers operating in diverse sectors. As a result we have gained considerable experience in bookkeeping and accounting services for a wide range of enterprises and developed our own approach to meet specific business needs of our Clients.
With best regards,
MAc Beata Karolak,
licence number MF 6657/2004
owner of The Accountancy Office PROFIT
The monthly rate for our services is arranged on a case-by-case basis.
The final price may vary according to:
Our team is a combination of knowledge, commitment and professionalism as well as youthful enthusiasm and energy.
Many years of experience and improving qualifications is our key to success in contacts with Clients.
The Accountancy Office PROFIT specializes in providing comprehensive tax, accountancy, HR and payroll services for both Polish and international companies.
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